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How to Free Ourselves from Evil Spirits (Del-Boulos-001)

How to Free Ourselves from Evil Spirits

How to Free Ourselves from Evil Spirits and their Harm
Author: Father Boulos Fahed OMM.

Initial Publisher: Originally Printed by Al-Ahilia printing house, Lebanon; Current Publisher: Jesus4usall


This very informative Book is presented in six parts, each a mini book in themselves, presented to help you understand how to overcome the powers of darkness in your own life, home and family. The six parts or chapters are:-
Part 1 - A Practical Guide to Deliverance from Evil Spirits
Part 2 - The Holy Sacrament of Penance
Part 3 - Prayers for Protection and Deliverance
Part 4 - The Blessing of Living and Working areas
Part 5 - Signs and Symbols pointing to Magical and Demonic Actions
Part 6 - How to pray: A practical guide

Part 1 - A Practical Guide to Deliverance from Evil Spirits (Answers the following questions:-)
1. Which sins open the door to evil spirits?
2. Which sins are considered serious?
3. Are some sins more serious than others?
4. Do all serious sins have the same consequences?
5. Can doors be opened to Satan because of sins not committed by the person?
6. What is the casting of Spells?
7. Are there other reasons that  might open doors to the devil?
8. How do evil spirits torment people?
9. How can one be saved from these torments?
10. Should man fight against these evil spirits?
11. What weapons man disposes of?
12. Which signs can suggest that a person is the victim of evil spirits?
13. Are there other signs that may suggest that a person or a family needs deliverance?
14. Are there undeniable signs that show a person needs deliverance?
15. Can we free ourselves from evil spirits?
16. What does renouncement consist of?
17. How should one formulate this act of renouncement?
18. How to expel the evil spirit that assail us?
19. We must finally close the doors to evil. How is this to be done?
20. Are there causes that might hinder or even prevent deliverance?
21. Why do so many Christians in Lebanon (or your country) suffer from malefic evils?
22. Is the collaboration of the victim(s) of evil spirits necessary for their deliverance?
23. Other practical recommendations to repel evils spirits
24. Is there any reason to be afraid?
25. In what state of mind should  the priests and the faithful enter this struggle?
26. Do the present times' indescribable sufferings caused by the devil have any particular character?
Part 2 - The Holy Sacrament of Penance
Part 3 - Prayers for Protection and Deliverance
1. How to receive deliverance and healing?
2. Prayer to the guardian angel
3. Prayer to seek humility
4. Praise during ordeals and distress
5. Prayer to fight temptations
6. Prayer for forgiveness through the Holy Spirit
7. Prayer of deliverance to sever all ties with evil spirits
8. Prayer of Intercession for healing and deliverance
9. God grants me absolute victory
10. Prayer to live in peace
11. Prayer for those who are victim of evil
12. Prayer to find work or succeed in one's work
13. Prayer for successful studies
14. Prayer for wealth as a gift from God, to be put to good use
15. Prayer to clear myself from debts and free the indebted to me who unwilling or unable to pay me back
16. Prayer for one's love life and marriage according to God's plan
17. Prayer of parents to the guardian Angel
18. Prayer of a pregnant woman to the guardian Angel
19. Prayer for the consecration of children to God
20. Prayer to love difficult and unpleasant people
21. Prayer to defeat fear and expel the spirit of anxiety
22. Prayer before traveling
23. O Holy Spirit
24. A prayer to the Virgin Mary
25. Act of Consecration to the Virgin Mary
26. Prayer to saint Michael the Archangel
27. Prayer to saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, terror of demons
28. Baptism Renewal (eastern Rite)
29. Prayer for protection against the assaults of the devil
30. Prayer for liberation through confidence in God
31. Prayer to deny demons
32. O Saviour, Jesus Christ
33. Prayer against all demonic evil
34. Save me from Satan
35. Prayer for protection against the evil eye, spell and jealousy
36. Prayer to crush all magic and weaken demonic legions
37. To send back poisoned arrows
38. Prayer for emergency cases
39. Invocations to the Precious Blood of Jesus
40. Prayer to the Holy Father for inner healing
41. Prayer to our Lord Jesus for inner healing
42. Act of Consecration to saint Michael the Archangel
43. Act of Consecrations to the Virgin Mary
44. Prayer to St Anthony the Great
45. Prayer to Saint Cyprian (Kyprianos in Greek)
46. Prayer for liberation from nightmare devils
47. Prayer to heal and liberate the family lineage
48. The Magnificat -  Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary
49. Prayer to Close doors

Part 4 - The Blessing of Living and Working areas
50. Prayer to protect a house ad regain authority
51. To Liberate premises and people
Part 5 - Signs and Symbols pointing to Magical and Demonic Actions
Demonic Actions
New Age
Cinema and Television
Part 6 - How to pray: A practical guide


Pages: 184
Dimension: 14x21 cm
Net Weight: 0.170g

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