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Nathaly - Lebanon (01 October 2021)
This is just stunning. I have found the book �the throne of grace�of Spiro really effective in my own life. I have followed the prayer routine suggested by Spiro and within a very short period i felt the power of these prayers.
After reading the full book i started a novena on the last chapter, the deliverance prayers and before day 9, lots of positive changes occured in my life and I felt freedom as if a heavy yolk was removed from my shoulders. you can find in this book very specific prayers for any situation you are going through. In a timely manner you can reach deeper levels with the Lord and a significant spiritual growth if you follow the recommendations written by Spiro. I highly advise you to have this pocket book. Our loving Jesus always finds different ways to get closer to us and this book is an inspiration from the holy spirit.
Peace be with you and may God bless and deliver you while you read it. You will move mountains!!!
This book will grow you and sanctify you for sure.